Tuesday, February 16, 2010


On Saturday 2/13, I read the article "The Recession's Long Shadow" in the March 2010 edition of the Atlantic. Today, 2/16, New York Times columnist David Brooks wrote "The Lean Years" which reflected on the Atlantic piece. Brooks' article focused on the disintegration of the American community mentioned in the Atlantic article and the effect on the American male.

I commented on the Brooks article, was not wise enough to copy and paste it here, and unfortunately submitted it after comments were no longer accepted. So it is lost in the Internet ether.

Read the Atlantic article, read the NY Times article, and think not of your place, who you are, where you're going or have been, and what you expected out of life. Read these articles and think about your children's children and see if you come to the same conclusion as I.

I'll refrain from positing my own, since I did not set this up to proselytize.

1 comment:

  1. The Atlantic published one entire edition celebrating the demise of males and dancing on our graves. We did not appreciate it, as you might expect.
